Democrats pay homage

2 min readNov 9, 2020

5. Democrats pay homage
This classic pre-Covid-19 Key & Peele skit about handshakes and code-switching has been flipped an infinite number of times, yet every remixed meme feels fresh. The 2020 election version is one of the very few gifts the electoral college has blessed this nation.

4. Trump refuses to accept his L
You gotta be high on something much stronger than quaaludes if you think this Wolf of Wall Street scene couldn’t play out in reality (Jordan Belfort, who wrote the film’s source material, agrees). There are reports circulating that suggest that Trump will not willingly exit the White House upon Biden’s inauguration, in which case the Secret Service would handle him like any other confused old man trespassing in a space he has no right to be in. News outlets: If Trump is tossed out Jazzy Jeff-style, can you please broadcast that shit?

3. Joe Biden playing music
What the hell is Joe Biden listening to in his spare time? Who knows. But thanks to this meme, we’ve convinced ourselves it’s this Dj Suede the Remix God and DJ iMarkkeyz-produced flip of South Carolina resident Johnniqua Charles, whose words birthed the anti-police brutality anthem we all needed this summer. Here, it takes on a new life — a preview of Trump’s exit from the Oval Office — while various political heroes cut a rug. That pause before the music starts is spot-on.

2. Stacy Abrams leads Democrats to victory — in song
Give Stacey Abrams every flower, bouquet — just give her the whole damn garden. This unforgettable clip from Sister Act 2 (we see you L-Boogie!) was revived in the best way possible, representing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ torturous-but-exhilarating path to election, and celebrating Abrams for her role in mobilizing voters in her crucial state of Georgia. Oh happy day, indeed!

1. Trump vs. the (Marvel/Democratic) Universe
We don’t even know where to start with this iconic scene from Avengers: Endgame, here edited to represent Biden’s mythical defeat of Trump. It’s as ridiculous as it is invigorating, from the questionable cameos (Elon Musk? Sean Connery?) to the soundbites (“Will you shut up, man!”). If only a finger snap could rid us of Trumpism IRL.

